Choosing A Database

Key-Value Database

Used for storing key-value pairs in a distributed manner. 

Amazon DynamoDB (DAX caching for DynamoDB), Redis(Redis provides a different range of persistence options), Aerospike 
Common Uses:
some of the most common use cases of key-value databases are to record sessions in applications that require logins.
a shopping cart where e-commerce websites can record data pertaining to individual shopping sessions.
storing clickingstream data
Web Cache for Radis and Aerospike

Simplicity, Speed, Scalability
Simplicity, No query Language

Document database

Used to storing JSON documents

MongoDB, CouchDB, CosmosDB

Common Uses
User profile
Book Database
content management (Catalogs)
Patient Data
Pros: Schemaless
Cons: Consistency, Atomicity
it would be possible to search for books from a non-existent author.
a change involving two collections will require you to run two separate queries (per collection). 

Graph Database

A graph is composed of two elements: a node and a relationship. Emphasized connections between data elements, storing related “nodes” in graphs to accelerate querying

Amazon Neptune, Neo4j, Tiger DB
common Uses:
Real-time recommendation engines
Fraud Detection
Identity and access management (IAM)

Ledger Database

A ledger database is log-centric. Store using an append only record journal. Here, the term “log” means a storage abstraction that is “an append-only, totally-ordered sequence of records ordered by time”.

Amazon QLDB
Common Uses:
Store financial transactions
Maintain claims history
Centralize digital records

Distributed Data processing System

Apache Hadoop, Spark 

DBMS (Relational Database-SQL)

With ACID for consistency with fixed schema

mysql, postgresql, Oracle
Common Uses (write and update heavy):
Relational databases are better to use with payment transaction records

Columnar Database (DBMS)

A columnar database stores data in columns rather than the rows used by traditional databases. Columnar databases are designed to read data more efficiently and return queries with greater speed. it store data across tables that can have very large number of columns. If data has large amount of scale such as Google Search “Pyhton”:[23, 45, 67, 89, 123, 234,789,2344,3345,5543,6545,7545,7955,8099,12344,14566,14767,14890,14891,14892,… ]. This is a good candidate for columnar database. It works well with Scatter and Gather strategy for faster throghput.

Cassandra (noSQl, Columar), Apache HBase, Amazon Redshift, PostgreSQL, MariaDB
Common Uses (read heavy):
internet search
other large-scale web applications
A columnar database is preferred for analytical applications because it allows for fast retrieval of columns of data. Columnar databases are designed for data warehousing and big data processing because they scale using distributed clusters of low-cost hardware to increase throughput.
Queries that involve only a few columns.
Incremental data loading
Queries against only a few rows

How to Choose

  • Will you be doing more reading or writing? Relational systems are superior if you are doing more writing, as they avoid duplications during updates.
  • How important is synchronisation? Due to their ACID framework, relational systems do this better.
  • How much will your database schema need to transform in the future? Document databases are a winning choice if you work with diverse data at scale and require minimal maintenance.